Lemon – Citrus limonum – again one of my favourites, has a citrus aroma, obviously. The essential oil is taken from the rind of the fresh fruit. Our Lemon essential oil is 100% pure and natural and is obtained from a single botanical source.
The distinctive sour taste of the Lemon fruit makes it a key ingredient in drinks and food. It was mainly used as a decorative/ornamental plant before it was used as a medicine. It’s scent is refreshing, energizing and uplifting.
Early days
Most people are aware of the sailors of the early days suffering from scurvy, which was “miraculously” healed when consuming lemons. Today we know that it is because of the vitamin C in the fruit. Unfortunately in those early days vitamin C was still not perceived as essential in ones diet.
Lemons contain numerous phytochemicals with the main ingredient being vitamin C. It is the “mother supplier” of vitamin C for our consumption.
Lemon essential oil has stimulating, calming, astringent, detoxifying, antiseptic, disinfectant and angi-fungal properties. Some believe it helps with exhaustion, depression and reduces inflammation.
In this study it was established that Lemon essential oil can be used to relieve anxiety after surgery in patients with fractures.
It is perfect to use to freshen up your laundry and will even make your washing machine smell clean. I like to use it in my air fresheners. It is a fantastic disinfectant and very useful to clean your wooden cutting board and kitchen counter. I often use it to soak my kitchen cleaning cloths in a bowl of water with my lemon essential oil – I use large amounts of it. It is also terrific as a degreaser.
If you combine it with peppermint and eucalyptus oil you have an excellent insect repellant but make sure to dilute it with a carrier oil.
Lemon essential oil is so useful. You can use it with a carrier oil on your back and neck to reduce stress.
Use it to treat callouses, corns and bunions on your feet
- Add a few drops of Lemon essential oil to warm water and soak your feet for 15 minutes to soften the skin.
- Spray a dilution of 20 ml distilled water and 6 drops of Lemon essential oil lightly on your feet after the soak.
- Leave it to try – your feet will feel amazingly soothed and refreshed which in turn will make your whole body tingle with delight.
- Apply Lemon essential oil to the corns/callouses twice a day to soothe and soften them.
I was recently introduced to using it on my wooden furniture by mixing it with olive oil – by my very clever cleaning assistant! So much better than anything else I’ve ever used.
You can also use it to remove stains. Apply the Lemon essential oil to the stain before washing. Don’t wait or you might end up with a yellow stain anyway.
This is another one of those oils you should not use if you’re going to be in the sun. If you use it directly on your skin stay out of the sun for at least 24 hours. It could cause darkening of the skin and it’s not going to be a tan.
In summary. Lemon – Citrus limonum – essential oil is often used for:
refreshment, exhaustion, depression, inflammation, anti-fungal, antiseptic, detoxification, astringent, calming, stimulating, stain removal, bunions, corns, reduce stress, callouses, cleaning, uplifting, degreaser, disinfectant, refreshing laundry. There’s probably more but I’ll just stop here for now.
The information on this blog is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be construed as advice, diagnosis or implied treatment. Please consult a professional should you experience discomfort or dis-ease.
** Please note that prices might change without prior notice due to the nature of obtaining them from far away places with different exchange rates.
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