Can head lice be controlled with essential oils?
Pediculus humanus capitis is a tiny, six legged insect that lives in hair. They take up residence in the hair and lay eggs. Contrary to many beliefs, they don’t have wings so they don’t fly and they don’t hop either. It is the eggs that are known as nits. Continue Reading
Can Tea Tree help with acne?
Acne is an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin that is marked by the eruption of pimples or pustules, especially on the face. There are so many treatments recommended but our question is, can tea tree help with acne? Acne usually appears with anContinue Reading
Tea Tree Essential Oil Numerology
The energy of Tea Tree Essential Oil Numerology takes the polar ends of behavior and brings it into the center so that behavior isn’t morally questionable. However, without deviations learning becomes obsolete. So, in order to grow, one would take enough risk in to expand on experience but not toContinue Reading
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Tee Trea oil comes from the evergreen leaves of the Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree. Our Tea Tree essential oil is certified organic and is locally grown and produced. It is also one of the most extensively researched oils backed by conclusions and findings as a result of these studies. Tea TreeContinue Reading
Rosemary Essential Oil Numerology
In dreamland Rosemary Essential Oil Numerology show that it is a transition oil. It takes you on the journey to freedom by showing you that doing everything out of your own power is fruitless. It shows you that once you start relying on the higher power (the source of yourContinue Reading