SAFETY GUIDELINES & WARNINGS: Essential oils can be used safely to enhance well-being and as part of a healthy lifestyle. Millions of people us essential oils every day, mostly without incident.

PLEASE NOTE: Essential oils are powerful substances and can be harmful if not used with the utmost care and therefore we encourage you take note of the warnings.

The essential oil in a bottle is 50-100 times more concentrated than in the plant. Our oils come in different grades. It is important to note that safety issues that apply to essential oils may not apply to the whole plant or herbal extracts and therefore misinformation can mean trouble. Follow the guidelines and always dilute your pure essential oils for a happy and safe journey.



  • Don’t ingest essential oils. Many are toxic. They are aroma aids and not for eating.
  • Pure essential oils need to be diluted. Never use essential oils undiluted directly on your skin and NEVER take essential oils internally without supervision of a qualified health practitioner/doctor.
  • Pure essential oils, in most cases, cannot be used neat on the skin (you can also use vodka – alcohol.) Always dilute essential oils on a carrier base eg. carrier oil/cream/butter/gel/etc.
  • No alcohol when using essential oils as a massage or inhalant.
  • Photo sensitivity: Avoid direct sunlight if using any citrus oils, i.e. bergamot, sweet orange, lemon, etc. Don’t go in the sun for 24 hours (or on the sunbed).
  • If pregnant, it is mostly advisable not to use essential oils. Dilutions below 2% are generally safe but the following oils should be avoided. They are teratogenic and it is advised that they simply aren’t used during pregnancy. Although not much is known about this but these oils can be dangerous for fetal development: Birch (sweet); carrot seed; cassia; cinnamon bark; hibawood; lavender (Spanish); lemongrass, oregano; sage (Spanish); savin; wintergreen; wormwood; yarrow (green); zedoary.
  • If you are on medication, pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid essential oils and consult a qualified health practitioner/doctor before using essential oils.
  • Epileptic: Unfortunately most oils are potent and can bring on a seizure – don’t use them.
  • High blood pressure: beware of stimulating oils.
  • Low blood pressure: be careful – get to know your oils and avoid all bath salts.
  • Sensitive skin? Over 50? Avoid excessive salt and check your lists for safety rules, please. Here’s a list of toxicity, plus more …
  • Note that some oils should not be mixed with certain drugs. This is referred on the specific product pages. Please pay attention to all information for each oil and be sure to consult your physician before embarking on an essential oil journey, especially if you have health issues.
  • Children: Be careful with children please. Click here to find our section for children. Don’t overstep the boundaries of usage please. Children’s skins and olfactories are very sensitive. Keep essential oils out of the reach of children and pets as they are highly concentrated and can be toxic. Babies can be especially sensitive, especially when you use essential oils in closed areas like your bedroom.
  • Keep essential oils away from your eyes
  • Use essential oils in a well ventilated area especially when using a diffuser.
  • If you experience any discomfort or irritation when using essential oils, discontinue use immediately.
  • Perform a skin patch test to check for any allergic reactions.
  • Relieve burning or itching with a carrier oil, eg. olive/grapeseed/almond oil.
  • These are general guidelines and suggestions and not absolute. Rules and values are approximate.
  • Do not imply that suggested dilutions are safe for all essential oils in all situations. Do your research and where necessary consult a professional.
  • Cats, dogs and other pets can be very sensitive to essential oils. When you use your essential oils always keep it away from them especially when using a diffuser. Cats and ‘pocket pets’ are especially sensitive to essential oils as it can even cause their death. Moderation is always key.

The information here is based on traditional practices. % of essential oil use will depend largely on the age of the person, health issue, oils being used, skin sensitivity and length of time of use.

Here is a table with recommended topical percentages:

Indended UseSuggested Dilution
Facial cosmetics0.2-1.5%
Body Massage1.5-3%
Bath & Body1-4%
Specific applications4-10%
Pain and wounds5-20%

For extensive safety uses and to educate yourself on how essential oils work and how to use them is the best educational site I have found and certainly worth the education if you wish to expand on your essential oil knowledge and use.


If you have a skin condition, are pregnant, have epilepsy or asthma, are on a course of treatment with prescribed medication, or are in any doubt about any condition you may have, you should seek the advice of a medical professional or suitable practitioner before using pure essential oils.

Have a look at our Aromatherapy Essential Oil Chart to find oils that suit your requirements.

The information on this blog is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be construed as advice, diagnosis or implied treatment. Please consult a professional should you experience discomfort or dis-ease.

Please be sure to adhere to these SAFETY GUIDELINES & WARNINGS.