Eucalyptus – Smithii is a decidedly royal oil. The many benefits give it an all round 5 star quality assurance. If you’ve been neglecting yourself, Eucalyptus will encourage to nurture yourself until you feel beautiful, loved and appreciated. You’ve been keeping all your dreams and desires hidden secretly in your heart. You may even have forgotten them!

If this oil is chosen for you, your cup is empty. Abundance is synonymous to Eucalyptus – Smithii. It awakens the prince/princess inside and today you are given permission to pursue YOUR own dreams confidently and with vigor. There is no time to waste. Get up and go because Eucalyptus – Smithii is paving the way for you.

Reach for your dreams

Eucalyptus is telling you that you don’t need to hold back and hide those dreams and wants anymore. Stop overlooking your own needs. You are always fulfilling other’s needs and putting everything before yourself. Don’t you know that you are the central sun of your own YOUniverse? Everything emanates from the center of your being. Through your own choices you choose your reality.

Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no. The ‘yesses’ and ‘no’s’ fold your path open and closed before you. When you realise this you understand the heavy responsibility of free will. But at the same time you understand the enormous freedom it gives you. Eucalyptus encourages you to choose only that which pleases you. Yes of course giving, nurturing and sharing makes you happy, but you can’t fill another’s cup if yours is empty. Don’t hold it against yourself. Forgive yourself. Forgiveness is the knife that cuts through the veil.

eucalyptus smithii

Take it step (yes) by step (no). Don’t look back. Wake up every morning with the intention to fulfill just one step towards your dream. A couple of years from now you will find yourself surrounded by beautiful spaces and gardens in your own glorious castle. You are royalty after all! The King chose you. You are the heir. Live it!


  • love
  • abundance
  • nurturing
  • beauty
  • appreciation
  • beautiful surroundings
  • beautiful spaces
  • high energy
  • royal treatment

If you’ve been feeling sorry for yourself and unfulfilled – use Eucalyptus – Smithii to lift you out of that dark space. You do deserve it all. You are really the one you’ve been waiting for. Know that you are complete, perfect and wonderfully made. Go out and design your world. The world is truly your oyster.

Slogan for Eucalyptus
“my cup runneth over”


The information on this blog is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be construed as advice, diagnosis or implied treatment. Please consult a professional should you experience discomfort or dis-ease.

** Please note that prices might change without prior notice due to the nature of obtaining them from far away places with different exchange rates.

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